Ashley Villalobos Profile
Ashley Villalobos
Administrative Assistant
Administrative assistant

Ashley Villalobos

My name is Ashley Villalobos. I am a high school graduate from Langham Creek High School. I am 22 years old and currently waiting to be a mommy. I myself believe that I am very sweet and easy to get along with.

I love to do my makeup in my free time, listen to music, and to watch youtube videos. One of my goals in life is to go to college and study to become a registered nurse.

At Alcozer Law Firm my job role is to assist my colleagues with the mailing, and filing system. I also assist clients whenever they come in for a consultation. I love the work I am dealing with here at the law firm, because I know I’m helping people who are trying to have a better life for themselves and their families. Whenever I leave work I feel good about myself knowing that the work I do at the firm can be life changing for people. 

Even if it’s just mailing and filing. That’s one of the things that excites me about this job. I am very grateful for the people I work with. We are a very good team!