Daniel Panche
I am an attorney from Universidad del Rosario, I am passionate about human rights and my goal is to help people in need with my knowledge. I am a cheerful, proactive, and responsible person.
In addition, I love to play sports, I play tennis, ride a bicycle and play soccer, I like to go to the stadium to see my favorite team play and I love to travel. I also like going to the movies and watching series.
At the firm my function is to be a legal assistant, what I do is to help people detained at immigration and my duty is to do everything possible to get them out. Also, I prepare the documents before the court to obtain the release and to be in contact with the deportation officers to send the requests for the release of the detained person.
I like working with Alcozer Law Firm because it is a firm that cares about its clients. Also, the team at the firm is a very good team, since we are constantly looking out for our clients and the human warmth that characterizes us. I like to give the best of me in the firm and my goal is to bring families together and to do my best to achieve this goal.