Andrea González Profile
Legal Assistant

Andrea González

My name is. I am a Lawyer graduate of Santo Tomás University in Bogotá-Colombia, during my studies I delved into Criminal Law, later I decided to take a course in Corporate Criminality and Human Rights at the Salamanca University. I would describe myself as quiet, analytical and with a special taste for animals.

I like spending time with my family, traveling and reading. I really appreciate my own company and those moments of calm and meditation. My goal is to start my Master Degree.

Andrea González
Legal Assistant
Detainees Department

I am working with the Detained Department such as Legal Assistant, I support the team with the matter of bonds. The most exciting and at the same time what I have liked most is to be a part of the process to obtain people’s freedom.


communicating uscis
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Commuunicating with USCIS

USCIS has several methods of communicating with them. You do not need a legal representative in order to
request evidence
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What is an RFE (Request for Evidence)?

Along all the processes that our firm handles it is possible that USCIS sends a request for evidence, that